We have been seriously sleep deprived for a while now. Mark thinks it’s been since the night of the tornado siren, but I think it’s been since Memorial Day weekend. However long it’s been, we slept in till nearly noon today.
Mark didn’t have any appointments and we didn’t have anywhere we particularly had to be, so we stayed home most of the day. We had rain and thunder this morning, but the afternoon cleared up and was beautiful. Mark made some repairs and we did a little cleaning, but other than that it was a quiet day. We didn’t even go to the family history center tonight at the LDS church, but we did show a movie here. We showed Finding Nemo. We didn’t mess with serving popcorn this time. We had a better turnout than last Wednesday but Mark said it still isn’t big enough to bring the popcorn out. I’m still a little tired, but it’s sure been good to have a day off to do nothing!