Why do I love working at Marval? Let me present short scenes from the last few days:
We wake up to the sound of innumerable kinds of birds singing the sun up. I keep trying to figure out how I would vocalize the sounds they make. My favorite is the one that sounds like “Suh-quirt!” with the accent on the last syllable.
Housekeepers congregate in the Activity Center during a storm to take shelter, have some coffee, and wait for campers to leave so they can go into their cabins to clean. They thank us for letting them come in.
Hannah and Henley, who painted rainbows all weekend, present me with one of their paintings before they leave and give me a big hug.
I look out the window where I’m working at my computer during the day and see children playing in the pool and on the splash pad.
A man comes in with a big wet spot on his T-shirt and mischief in his eye as he buys a bag of water balloons.
Gorgeous tie-dyed T-shirts hang from the drying racks outside the Activity Center door.
A young girl gets stung while riding the train and Jeff tells us to give the family a 100% refund for the train ride.
A mother brings her fourteen year old son to Marval for the day to celebrate his birthday. It’s a tradition he’s looked forward to for the last four years.
We drive through the park in our golf cart after work and smell campfires and dinner cooking everywhere along the route.
Butterflies flit around us as we drive down to the dumpster with boxes we’ve unpacked during the day. It’s like Boxing Day after Christmas.
A little boy with training wheels on his bicycle follows his mom on her bike and grins at how well he’s doing.
We get home and realize there are two rabbits in our yard. We hardly dare to go to our front door for fear of startling them.
One of the seasonals comes over to introduce himself to us and talk about his appreciation of the Workampers. He has come here for eight years and loves it.
Mark starts a campfire and cooks our meat over the open fire.
In the evening we hear crickets and/or frogs. Mark thinks he’s beginning to see some fireflies at dusk.
It’s an atmosphere where just about everyone has come to have a good time, and for the most part they are a happy bunch. When no one was in the Activity Center this afternoon, Mark and I slow-danced to a song on Spotify. It’s not always so idealic, but I’m happier here than on just about any other job I’ve had in my entire life. May my younger sister find moments like these in the move she is about to make.
Now! If they could just come up with decent internet and cell phone connection….