Mark and I attended Saratoga Federated Church this morning. The final hymn was Blest Be the Tie That Binds and the final verse especially spoke to me:
When we asunder part, It gives us inward pain; But we shall still be joined in heart, And hope to meet again.
Lynn Adams bought me hot chocolate again this morning and we sat with her family. After the service, where the sermon was about life with others and how much we need each other, Lynn told Pastor Gabe that we are moving. He circled up with Lynn and Mark and I and prayed for us. Man, I’m going to miss his preaching and the wonderful music at SFC! I’m also going to miss Sally who gave me a big hug this morning.
Then Lynn and Ruthanne and Ruthanne’s boyfriend, Joe, took us out to lunch at a place called Dickey’s that serves bbq. The food was good, but the fellowship was even better. We may have bored the young-uns’ but Lynn and I bonded even more closely. Before we left, Lynn gave us a gift. The card included hers and Ruthanne’s e-mail addresses so that we can keep in touch. There were actually two gifts. One was window decals that would be good decorations for Valentines Day, but even just generally for the love Mark and I share. The other was a CD with the pictures Lynn took when she was up here on Friday. Oh God, please bless Lynn and Ruthanne and Joe and Lynn’s husband, Lawson who hasn’t been able to come to church for the last couple months because he can’t be exposed to illness. They are so dear to me. I’ve borrowed a picture of Lynn and Ruthanne from Ruthanne’s Facebook page. I hope that’s okay with you, Ruthanne: