Today’s story is about height. Our ears plugged and unplugged as we ascended and descended, but it was sure pretty!
Mark took me on a walk this morning up a rock wall behind the RV park we stayed at.This was the view from up there!Desert viewClimbingLooking down at Marble CanyonWe were driving through Navajo Nation and we frequently saw stands like this where they were selling their crafts.Approaching the mountains7000 feet above sea level!This reminded me so much of eastern Oregon!Historic downtown Flagstaff on Route 66. We had hoped it would have cute little shops and restaurants for tourists, but we were disappointed. A view from on highWe had steep downgrades of 6% for 18 miles! They kept having signs warning trucks to save their brakes on the short stretches of relatively flat road on the way down. Here they provided a ramp for runaway trucks!There were no rest stops on the way down, so Mark pulled over in a wide spot to let Tucson do her thing.Blue skyPhoenixPalm trees on the horizonTucson knew where we were when we stopped at a truck wash north of Tucson, AZ. She started whining to get out of the truck like she did last year!An Arizona sunsetWe were behind this truck in the truck wash. Isaiah 40:31 is Mark’s favorite verse: “But those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.”
The truck washers accidentally knocked a small piece of plastic off the RV while they were washing it, so they gave us a free rain treatment and a free tire treatment which will help protect our tires here. God provides!
We arrived at our winter home behind my church around 6:30 this evening. We were exhausted, but Mark got us all set up while I contacted several people, including my boss, to let them know we are finally here. My boss told me I could have a couple of days to get settled in before I start work. I’m going to take her up on it!
Thank the Lord we got here safely in spite of a few misadventures!
Lover the pictures and inspiring scenery. Thanks for sharing.