In time for Christmas Eve

Usually, Mark and I wait until Christmas Eve day to get our presents for each other at the Dollar Tree, but we weren’t sure if Mark would be working the day shift and me the evening shift on Christmas Eve, so we did our shopping yesterday.  Then I was going to have us wait to wrap them on Christmas Eve, but Mark threatened to go looking for what I’d gotten him, so we wrapped them yesterday too!

Mark bought us a little tabletop tree. Not all of my decorations would fit on it, but it still manages to look somewhat festive with all the gifts around it!  And our stockings are filled!

I had sent an e-card to all the readers I have email addresses for, but in case there’s anyone out there who didn’t get it, here’s the link:

If I don’t get a chance to write tomorrow, Merry Christmas everyone!

A Christmas star I discovered when I was eating a kiwi!

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