Quick update

We had to make it to Oregon by Sunday because I had a dental appointment yesterday.  I thought it was going to be for a deep cleaning, which I was dreading…

When I arrived, there had been some sort of mix up.  First of all, the x-rays I had had the dentist in Wisconsin send here were in a compressed file that this dentist couldn’t open, so I had to have another full set of x-rays taken.  That didn’t leave them with a lot of time for doing a deep cleaning.  Secondly, there seemed to be some confusion when I arrived.  There wasn’t even enough time scheduled for me to have a dental exam and a cleaning.  The dentist and the hygienist and the receptionist conferred a couple of times and it was finally decided that my mouth wasn’t bad enough yet to warrant a deep cleaning, so the hygienist did a regular cleaning and I am scheduled to go back for the exam with the dentist in another week.  Another advantage of this is that my insurance will cover 100% of the cleaning I got rather than 55% of a deep cleaning.  I am so grateful to God for this outcome!

Today, Mark and I had each hoped to maybe get an interview for jobs we applied for before we left Wisconsin, but no one responded.  We went on Craigslist and began applying for jobs we found there, and Mark got an almost immediate response from one he applied for — a different job with UPS as a driver’s helper.  He has an interview lined up for tomorrow morning.

I applied for several jobs and then also filled out the application for an H&R Block job in Tucson this coming tax season.  I have been dreading working for them this year because my experience in offices in Tucson for the last two seasons has been so stressful.  I had a bad experience there during my first year which followed me last year and worsened.  I wasn’t sure I wanted to try again this year, but when I went online to look at the job listings, I saw that there is an opening with a Block Advisors office near where we’ll be staying.  I believe that H&R Block and Block Advisors are two separate entities, so with hopes for a clean slate, I applied for it.  If this works out, it would be an answer to my prayers.

I am so grateful to Wendy and Craig for their hospitality.  Not only have they given us a place to park our RV for a couple of weeks, but they have also invited us into their home to visit and shared meals with us.  Tucson loves it here because there’s a big pasture that she can run freely in when Mark takes her out.  I am so glad that Wendy is my friend, and Mark and Craig and I are getting to know each other better too.

For all these blessings, I say,  “God is good!”

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