We left Bismark around 9:00 this morning and arrived in Ellison Bay around 10:00 tonight. It’s been a long, strange day.
I’ve been reading a book to Mark on the trip. The book is called Death of a Warrior by Stephen M. Hannemann. It’s not the type of book I’d normally read, but it’s Mark’s kind of book. The most interesting thing is that I found this book in Sherill’s library, and the author is someone I remember going to the church Fred pastored many years ago. It’s not the kind of book Sherill and Fred would normally read, and it’s not the kind of book I would have expected Steve Hannemann to write, but he personally autographed it to Fred and Sherill, so I assume it was a gift. The book was published by Hara Publishing in 2003, a Seattle publishing company, and it was edited by Vicki McCown. I mention this because I’ve found so many errors not caught by the editor. Dang! I should be an editor or something! 😉
Because I did so much reading today, I didn’t take very many pictures while it was still light out but I got a few nighttime shots.
We spent a lot of time in fog and rain today. Another reason I read all day was that it was so gloomy out.
I called Fred when we were approaching Sturgeon Bay because I knew it would be his bedtime soon. He told me that Sherill’s burial was today. Only ten or eleven people showed up and Fred was the one that spoke. I was sad that I wasn’t able to be there, but apparently they still aren’t particularly sure which plot Sherill will be buried in. At Willamette National Cemetery, they pick the location. By the time Mark and I come back in November, we’ll be able to go visit Sherill’s graveside. I helped Fred pick the emblem and quotation for her headstone – “She walked in light”.
Glad to know you’re home safe & sound. Love you kids.