Tuesday and Wednesday were my days off, and that’s when I did all the job hunting I wrote about in my last post. I believe I have been hired at Tea Thyme In Door County which is owned by the women that live across the street from us. I’m to meet with Karen on Monday morning at 10:00 to firm that up a bit. So far, they are talking about needing me for ten hours a week in the mornings.
Thursday morning I went to work at Seaquist, and while I was setting up the fudge counter, my boss came over to talk with me. She said she’d been concerned about me and praying about the situation and she decided that since she has no one else to work the fudge counter, she would like me to stay on till I find another job. She said she likes my work except for my speed, and she said that she will let others know to be watching out for me when things are busy. I told her about the job at Tea Thyme and asked if she would be willing to just have me in the afternoons, and she said yes.
In fact, there was a company-wide meeting after work last night and she specifically invited me to come to it if I’d like to. When she was handing new uniforms out to everyone, she gave me a uniform shirt and a Seaquist hoodie too. Then she asked me as well as two other new people to stay after the meeting for a brief video training. I’d say this is a good sign!
One of the clerks had given me a hug last week and asked me not to leave. Another one has been following with great interest and is excited that I’m going to be staying. And a young girl who just started work last week wrote me a beautiful card, which she gave me this morning before she knew I was staying for sure, saying that she’d miss me if I go and that she feels we could be good friends. Mark says they love me, and I said I’m not sure why. He says I’m lovable. 🙂
If it works out for me to do both jobs, I’m thinking the reason God worked it out this way might be to spare my legs and feet. I go home at night and I just want to curl up in a fetal position. I love my job and the people I work with, but it is kind of hard standing in one place all day. Perhaps by diversifying in this way, I won’t be quite so tired at the end of the day. Let’s call this another way that God is watching out for me.