Business is winding down

The summer is winding down and business has been so slow that most of the time there isn’t a need for two people in the office.  The last couple days I’ve spent most of the day outside picking up trash by hand.

As I slowly walk back and forth with my head down scanning the ground for cigarette butts and zip ties and such, I’ve been entertaining myself by singing as many hymns and Christian songs as I can remember.  There used to be a time when I could remember many of them, but I’ve been finding myself doing a lot of humming the last couple days.  If my readers would like to send me the words to their favorite hymns, it would give me something to sing.  🙂

This afternoon I was pacing back and forth across one of the roads singing:

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, there’s just something about that name.

Master, Savior, Jesus, like the fragrance after the rain.

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, let all heaven and earth proclaim,

Kings and kingdoms shall all pass away,

But there’s something about that name!

Toward the end of the song I became aware that someone was singing along with me.  I looked up and there was a woman sitting outside her RV.  When the song was over she said, “That’s my favorite hymn!  I haven’t heard it in years!”  It was so good to talk with a Christian who was familiar with one of the oldies!

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