There hasn’t been much interesting stuff going on here — doctor appointments, preparing taxes, etc. But yesterday a couple interesting things happened…
I went for the first time to a quilt group at Christ the King church. For certain reasons Mark and I have decided not to attend that church any more, but I have been wanting to get back into a quilt group. This one differs quite a bit from the one I was involved in in California. The California group had some very expert quilters in it and everything was done in a precise and orderly fashion. The Washington group describes themselves as sewers but not quilters. I think it kind of shows. I was given quilt blocks to put together, but the blocks were not at all uniform. Often the sides were cut unevenly, or the blocks were slightly rectangular instead of square. I had to jimmy them to get them to come together right. The group ran for about two hours and I finished one quilt top in that time. They were surprised that I had finished it. Apparently that’s unusual. They also admired how my corners came together. I’m not saying I’m a great quilter by any means. I don’t consider myself to be all that good, but I have worked with some great quilters who taught me a few things.
The other interesting thing that happened yesterday was that my older sister called and invited us to come down and stay with her in the Portland area this coming weekend, April 12th through the 14th. If there is anyone in the area who would like to see us while we are in the area, e-mail me at or call me at 971-221-7269 (a Portland phone number).