I started out the day with another rumination in bed before getting up. In Spanish, seven is siete, eight is ocho, nine is nueve, and ten is diez. So we have September, which is the ninth month, October which is the tenth month, November which is the eleventh month, and December which is the twelfth month. How come? Even if you account for the fact that the new year used to begin on April 1 (hence April Fools Day for those who forgot and wished people a Happy New Year after the change), the months would still be off. Anyone got a clue what that’s all about?
When we got up Mark spent the morning working on a water problem we’ve been having. Our water pressure has been low the last couple days, but he bought some parts and fixed it today. He’s so handy!
The only time I went out was to get stamps. There was a little post office in a truck stop, but the woman who was trying to sell me some stamps was having a problem with her computer that prevented her from being able to sell them to me till she got it fixed. She was very apologetic, but I’ve been in need of technical support before, so I patiently waited for forty five minutes to get my stamps. I was happy for her though, because she was able to get things set up better for her and the other employees by following the suggestions of technical support. I like happy endings!
I’ve spent a good part of this evening working on my Westcott family line. When we were in Salt Lake City, I got some official pages for cleaning up all my scribbled notes. Mark gave me a binder and we had some page protectors, so now I have everything neatly together. I can hardly wait to show it to my family when I get home. And I’m looking forward to adding other family lines from the information they have.
Check out this history of the Roman calendar: http://www.timeanddate.com/calendar/roman-calendar.html
These month names date to around 750BC, when there were ten months starting with March. January and February were added about 50 years later.
Placing new year’s celebrations around the beginning of April seems to date only to the middle ages, according to Wikipedia. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/April_Fools'_Day)
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