Mother’s Day Weekend

This morning was the start of Sunday morning breakfasts for the season at Marval, and it’s the only weekend when moms get to eat free with a paying family member, so Mark and I headed over so we could have breakfast at 7:30 before starting work at 8:00.  For $5.00 (the price of Mark’s meal) Mark had eggs, sausage and biscuit, and orange juice.  I had a biscuit with sausage gravy and a sausage patty as well as orange juice and chocolate milk.  It was a filling breakfast, and so nice not to have to fix breakfast and do dishes!

We had another relatively busy Sunday in Activities.  We still sold a fair number of MOM mugs.  I had ordered twenty-four and now there are only four left, so I’m glad I had that many on hand!

I told everyone this morning that they would need to take care of our customers today because on Sundays I start working on the program for the following weekend.  The one tricky issue for next weekend is whether the outdoor theater screen will be ready for viewing a movie on Saturday night or not.  At first Melanie had me put that on the schedule, but Jeff said that to be on the safe side I should remove it from the schedule and if it’s ready we can advertize it next weekend.

This is where we begin to get into scheduling questions.  If Mark and I come in later so we can stay late to show the movie, do we have people who can cover the morning crowd in Activities?  If we have movies on Wednesday nights as well as Saturdays, Mark and I are off on Wednesdays so who will show movies that night?  Who will cover this summer on our days off?  I spent a little time discussing this with Melanie today.  I had thought Linda would be here to help with that, but now Melanie is looking for someone to start after Memorial Day.  If you know of anyone who has a camper and would like to earn money doing something fun this summer, have them contact me.

This evening Mark and I did our newly traditional Sunday dinner at Chicken Charlies.  As it turns out, they also had a Mother’s Day special.  Mark’s buffet was full price and mine was half price.  The woman at the counter is sort of getting to know us.  I told her I’m a mom and I could show her pictures of my son to prove it.  She smiled and said that wouldn’t be necessary.  She wished me a Happy Mother’s Day, and I asked if she has kids.  She said she has several little ones.  I told her my son is 29 and she should enjoy having her kids around while they’re young!

When we got back to Marval, I drove over to the dumpster where I’m told cell phone reception is best and I called Jamey.  He had said he’d call me, but I discovered that my cell phone wasn’t charged and I had to use Mark’s phone, so I called him and we had a really nice conversation.  He said he’d be interested in seeing more pictures of Marval, and when I told Mark that, he said that some of the pictures he takes are posted on Marval’s Facebook page.  One of Mark’s jobs is to take pictures of things going on around here, so anyone who wants to see what’s happening can “friend” Marval on Facebook and see his pictures.

After talking with my son, I called my mother and made sure she knows how much I appreciate her.  She said my phone call was the best present she’d gotten today!  Happy Mother’s Day, Mom!

Then I called my older sister, Sherill, but got her voice mail.  Her husband, Fred, had open heart surgery this past week.  He’s still in the hospital, and I hear he’s very tired.  He should be going home Monday or Tuesday.  Please be praying for Sherill and Fred as he tries to recover from this surgery.

It’s been a good Mother’s Day for me.  I hope all you mothers out there have had a good day too.  Blessings on us all!

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