Today Melanie sent Cathy, one of the Workampers who has worked in Housekeeping and the office, down to Activities to train with us. I was trying to teach her at the beginning of the day, but we got slammed. There was a cub scout troup that came in for the day as well as a bunch of children camping here for the weekend, and the weather was rainy and cold so they all came to the Activity Center. Mark was one-handed and spent most of the day sorting through pictures of the weekend for channel two. (I’ll include one from last night at the end of this post.) He also somehow managed to drive the train single handed. I taught Cathy how to tie-dye, but we had to squeeze the lesson in whenever we had a breather. We alternated lunch hours and kept the Activity Center open all day. We made over $400 on crafts and equipment rentals today. We have never had a day like that before, not even during spring break. If Cathy hadn’t been with us, we couldn’t have handled that load by ourselves. It was wild!
I wanted to include a picture of Mark taken at the barbecue last night so you can see him in his sling: