This morning Mark and I slept in, but when we woke up we felt refreshed and ready to do a little exploring.
In 2011 Gore had a population of 978 people. There is one grade school (although Caylee tells me that there are two fifth grade classes with twenty-seven students in each) and a high school. There are five churches that have Wednesday night services I want to check out. There’s a Phillips 66 gas station in town, a combined police/volunteer fire department building, an Ace True Value hardware store and a lumber store. We tried to stop in at the quilt store, but it’s apparently closed on Mondays and Tuesdays. We’ll try again tomorrow. We stopped in at the Dollar General in hopes that it was like the Dollar Tree, but it turns out to be just another grocery store. We’re kind of partial to Harps Employee Owned grocery store already. By about 12:30 we had explored everything that struck our fancy, and also washed the car at a coin operated car wash.
This afternoon Mark went to Muskogee to register at the VA facility there. I stayed home to work at my editing job, but Mark came home and told me that it’s a real pretty drive. He has an intake appointment at the VA tomorrow, so I’ll go to that with him.
Something tells me there won’t be too much to do around Gore on our weekends, but that’s okay too. Every time we leave Marval Resort, we drive past a fenced in yard with the most beautiful free-range chickens and farm-yard ducks. This strikes me as being a peaceful little community. I look forward to getting more involved through the churches here.