There were a couple people from the Mennonite church I attended last Sunday who e-mailed me this week and told me about a camp-out happening just up the road from us. There are a handful of people from 1st Mennonite that live south of San Francisco, and they periodically get together outside of church to fellowship together.
Mark and I brought the makings for S’mores and joined them this evening at the ranch of a family from the church who live just north of us on Skyline Blvd. I think they live a mile or less away from us. It was so nice to go there and meet people and have a chance to visit. It was Mark’s first time of meeting any of them, and he liked them. They are a really friendly and welcoming bunch. I especially hope to get to know these neighbors better. It’s nice to know there are Mennonites so close by that I can visit with on occasion!
It’s late now. I’m going to bed!