Girl Genius and Gil

My son, Jamey, is the Chief Technical Officer at Comic Rocket.  They compile lists of web comics (over 2,000 of them!) and make it easy for readers to keep track of multiple comics and stay up to date on the different stories.  There is a comic convention in San Diego coming up in July, and Jamey and his wife, Sarah, are going.  Sarah is a creative person who likes to dress up, so she got the idea that they should go to the convention dressed as a couple characters from the comic, Girl Genius by Phil and Kaja Foglio.  Sarah is going as the Girl Genius, and Jamey is going as Gil.  (See below)

Gil is the one with the double-breasted vest under a pocket vest.

 So besides editing books, I’m also making part of the costume Jamey plans to wear to the convention.  I’m making the blue double-breasted vest and adding the decoration on the shoulders of the pocket vest that you see in the above comic.  This is one story I’ll be in”vest”ed in!  😉

4 thoughts on “Girl Genius and Gil

  1. You are so talented, and you sew. I’ve found there aren’t many of us out here who sew costumes. My sewing machine is about shot, so I won’t be doing that much anymore, but I’ve sewn a lot of costumes in my many years. Good for you, Denise.

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