I’ve taken a lot of interesting pictures today, but it’s too late to get them off my camera and post them. Mostly, I just wanted to let you know where we are tonight and that we are still alive!
Yesterday, we entered Mountain Time. Today we entered Central Time. We drove nearly eight hours today and arrived just after sunset.
Our refrigerator doesn’t operate as we are running down the road, so we put everything perishable in the cooler with ice. We had had some meat in the freezer before we left Tucson. We hadn’t counted on me working until 9:00 every day the last week. I checked the meat this evening and most of it was thawed, so when we got settled in, I cooked all the meat: one and a half pounds of turkey burger, about ten pieces of bacon, and four pieces of boneless chicken. I figured it might last longer cooked. By the time I finished the cooking and we had some of the chicken for dinner, and with the time change, it was too late for the pictures.
I asked Mark what his favorite part of the day was today and he said it was sleeping in. We didn’t sleep in too late because we were on the road by 10:00 this morning, but at least we weren’t having to set the alarm for me to go to work.
My favorite part of the day was when we got to Duran, NM, southeast of Albuquerque. There had been dark clouds ahead of us before we arrived, and Mark had seen a couple flashes of lightning ahead. We pulled into Duran and it looked like a ghost town. I hope I can download the pictures and send them tomorrow night. Tucson was whimpering, so Mark pulled over into a wide spot and stopped to take her out. While they were out, I heard a loud clap of thunder and it started to sprinkle. Mark and Tucson got into the RV just before the hail started with the lightning and thunder. I made us a couple sandwiches and we ate lunch until the storm was pretty much over. Mark told me that when he had taken Tucson out, he could see that there was a live community beyond what appeared to be a ghost town along the highway. It was an interesting spot to stop for lunch during the storm.
It’s 11:30 now in Central Time, so we need to get to bed. We won’t be having any more time changes on the trip, so I hope to post the pictures with my blog tomorrow night.