Today Tim and Kathy told us to just do a glorified walk-through of the bathrooms (what some would call “a lick and a promise”) so that we could participate in the annual potluck. This is when as many of the staff and the seasonals as are here get together for a party.
I made my famous fruit salad — famous because that’s what I usually make for potlucks around the country. I find whatever fruits are ripe in the store and mix them up with Greek vanilla-flavored yogurt. Anyone who knows me very well knows I love fruit! 🙂
The potluck was held in what folks here call Fritz Park. We didn’t know where it was, but apparently the 81 year old man who works here used to have the spot in the 700’s where the party was held. They named his spot Fritz Park.
I haven’t been to a spread like this since I used to attend the Mennonite church. There was so much good food it was hard to decide what to pick. One of my favorite things, I think, was a plate with crackers and cheese. This wasn’t just any kind of cheese. This was Wisconsin cheese. There were two kinds: sharp cheddar and a cherry cheese. Oh, my! I don’t think I’ve ever tasted such sharp cheddar before. It was so sharp it bit back! And of course, with Door County being known for their cherries, the cherry cheese was something to behold!
Throughout the potluck, people were working on several contests. Kathy had put out little gift bags with questions on them and you wrote your answer on a slip of paper with your name and dropped it in the bag. One of them was a scrambled word game with three camping words. The letters were so well scrambled that they weren’t particularly easy to figure out, but words are my forte and I got them all right. There was a bag you could put your name in if you were wearing or using something from Wagon Trail Campground, and since both Mark and I were still in uniform we entered our names there. One of the bags asked which seasonal had been coming here the longest. Since I don’t really know any of the seasonals very well yet, I didn’t enter that one. The last one was a large jar full of marshmallows and the person who came the closest to guessing how many were in the jar would win. I sat down and counted around the sides and across the bottom and guessed 115.
After everyone had eaten their fill, the contest began. I had gotten the right words on the campground scramble but so had others, so it was the first correct answer pulled out of the bag that won. A second grader won, although I think she must have had help! Mark and I were wearing our uniforms, but a number of other people had on articles of clothing from the camp store so someone else won that contest. We hadn’t entered the contest for which seasonal had been coming here the longest, but someone else guessed and won. Then it was down to the marshmallows in the jar.
Kathy had the second grader help her pull each of the guesses out of the bag and since Kathy knew the answer she set the contenders in a pile by themselves. I had guessed 115 and the actual number of marshmallows was 113. I won! When folks had seen me counting the marshmallows they all laughed, but when I won they decided I wasn’t so crazy after all! I won two carabiner cups, a Wagon Trail Campground sticker, a fire starter, and two Wagon Trail Campground pens. I was very happy because I don’t usually win contests!
After the planned activities were over, folks were still visiting, so I went over and talked with a seasonal I’d seen in the women’s restroom when I was cleaning yesterday. Then I sat and visited with the newest Workamper here, Sherry. I had a wonderful time. Mark, being more of a loner, went back to our site after the contest to work on his Harley. He had a wonderful time in his own way.
Cool description of our staff and seasonal potluck!