This evening after work, Mark and I fed our kitties, cleaned their litter box, loaded the car, and left them behind. They will be in good hands, though, as Beth said she would take care of them while we are gone.
We are headed to Oregon to spend Thanksgiving with family. We have stopped in Williams, CA for the night. Williams is a 2 hour drive from our place. The total trip would have taken about 11 hours, and by getting a little way up the road this evening, we hope to have a shorter drive tomorrow.
I’m looking forward to seeing all my family again. We’ll be the guests of my gracious mother and her husband. I have all sorts of plans for what I want to do with her! Mark also has things he needs to take care of while we are there. We will have a few short days and so much we want to squeeze into them!
This year as we think about what we are thankful for, I have so much my heart could burst! Mark and I are together after having been mostly apart for 15 months. I am deeply thankful for my new church home and the friends I am making in 3 different churches in California. I’m happy about starting my editing business up again, and the team I’ve formed to help me with it. And I’m grateful for this opportunity to be with family for Thanksgiving. I want to wish my readers a Happy Thanksgiving and hope you all are as blessed as I am!