Mark and I basically stayed home and cleaned house today, but I do have something good to report. Last week I e-mailed a company that has been advertising for beet harvest help in October. Today we received a phone call from the company. The man who spoke to us on the phone asked us a few questions and said he’ll send us a couple applications!
This job is in two possible locations, but we told the man we’ll be coming from Alaska so we’d like to work at the eastern Montana location which is a little closer. The job starts on October 1st. We won’t be working in the field, but I think we’ll be doing some sort of processing work. It will last two and a half to three and a half weeks, depending on the weather. It will be twelve hours a day for incredibly good pay, plus they pay for our RV space rental. Once we finish this job we’d still be able to find work down south for the winter. Please pray or keep your fingers crossed for us!