For the last couple of days, Mark has been limping because his knee is bothering him. Today he spent a good part of the day in bed trying to rest his knee. We did get out for a bit this afternoon to go up to Muskogee for his audiology appointment.
It’s about 25 or 30 miles from here to the VA hospital and it takes about an hour to get there. The appointment itself lasted maybe 20 minutes. The doctor put Mark in a sound proof room and tested his hearing. At the end of the test she said his hearing is almost perfect except for the highest range. She said she could do a more uncomfortable test that would involve inducing dizziness, but she didn’t think that would tell us anything. Her recommendation was that we wait and see if Mark has any more episodes of dizziness. Mark agreed.
When we got back, we stopped in at the office to check for mail. I want to thank my family for all the birthday cards and money and gift cards. We’re going shopping in Fort Smith tomorrow and that will come in handy. I’ll let you know what I get tomorrow! 🙂