This morning when Mark and I checked in for work, Melanie told us Housekeeping was short staffed and asked if we would help them today. Since there are no kids in the park during the week, we said we’d be happy to help out.
I’ve only done Housekeeping once before here, and Mark has never done it, so we were probably slower than the regular Housekeeping staff, but we still managed to clean four cabins today. Every time I go into these cabins I am amazed at how nice they are. Some of them have fireplaces and screened in porches. They all have kitchens or kitchenettes. If any of my family or friends wanted to come and visit, I’d highly recommend these cabins. (Hint, hint!)
It was nice working with Mark on the cleaning. He kindly took on the cleaning of the bathrooms while I cleaned the kitchens. I climbed up into the lofts to take care of the floors and beds up there, and he swept and mopped the floors downstairs. We made a good team, but that’s no surprise since we make a good team in all aspects of our lives!
At one point this morning, we were working near another Housekeeping couple and they pointed out a squirrel’s nest in the tree behind the cabin we were working in. Mama squirrell would run down the tree for food, and about five or six babies would poke their head out of the hole or wait on the branch for her to return. They were adorable!
We also have rabbits around here. Lorraine was telling us that about a week ago she found a nest of baby rabbits, but after the last big rain storm she went back and found they’d all drowned.
Mark said that one night when he was driving to the grocery store in town, he saw an armadillo cross the street. This evening I found a squished frog on the road around the park. There are dozens of kinds of birds around here, including owls that we often hear hooting at night. And besides trout, our river has stripers and catfish. The variety of critters around here keeps things interesting.