We were supposed to have a parade of decorated golf carts and bicycles this afternoon for St Patrick’s Day, and we were going to have three judges judge them and give out prizes. Several people came by in the morning to decorate their cart or bicycles, but when it started raining, everyone decided to poop out!
Ah, well, it also meant that folks wanted to be indoors, but not stuck in their campers; so where did they come? The Activity Center! We did better business today than yesterday, and some folks even played with our board games.
One thing Mark and I commented on at the end of the day is the number of children and adults that are overweight. When the weather gets better, we’ve got to get them out doing more active things.
It’s interesting to see what people bring with them when they go camping. Mark and I went out after work, and when we came home we were driving slowly through the park. There was one camper that had an inflatable theater screen set up outside their camper and the kids were playing video games on it. Talk about roughing it!
We are learning every day how to do things just a little bit better. I figured out something new with the cash register today, and I also learned I need to be more flexible when folks want to buy crafts I’m not featuring yet. With the rain today, I let them work on whatever they wanted to.
We are also seeing how fragile the crafts we’ve been selling are. Mark has become a ceramics doctor. He’s already had to glue a shattered owl back together and mend a broken arm on a dinosaur. A monkey completely lost his head. A boy came in today with a broken sand art bottle and I had to tell him there was no way to repair it. It would be good if we could get more unbreakable crafts in. These are all the kinds of things I think about now.