Mark finally got his hotspot working. More on that later!
Early this morning, when Mark took Tucson out to do her thing, he came back in and told me that there were several inches of snow and it was still coming down. I was staying warm under our big, heavy quilt. He brought the tablet into the bedroom and we looked at the weather report. It looked like things would start to warm up around noon, so we decided to wait to leave our campsite and I rolled over and went back to sleep.
When I got up and got dressed, I went to the front room and looked out the window. The snow had stopped coming down, but there was still a fair amount on the ground. We had breakfast and then Mark said he needed to get up on the roof and sweep the snow off our slideouts. We don’t have toppers on them and we didn’t want the snow to come in when we brought the slideouts in. Mark also said that the snow would prevent the slideout from closing completely. I got my boots and coat on and went out to take pictures.

Before we had left our campsite, I looked to see what campgrounds might be year-round in Wyoming. There were two KOAs listed, one in Cheyenne and one in Rock Springs. Even though we had left a little later than usual, we hoped to make it to Rock Springs by nightfall. That would put us most of the way through Wyoming. We passed Cheyenne, the state capitol, and were halfway between there and Laramie when Mark read an electric sign that said all vehicles with long flat sides needed to pull into a truck parking area because there were forty-plus mile per hour winds, but when we got to the parking area, it was full of semis so Mark drove a little further. Then we saw a sign that said if we continued further, there were sixty-plus mile per hour winds. We pulled off at the next exit to find a place to sit it out.

We pulled up around the corner behind the last vehicle in the row and waited for about fifteen minutes. Then Mark suggested I look on the tablet for a weather report for the area. It said that there was a wind advisory until 6:00 this evening. Mark said that maybe we should go back to Cheyenne. I told him that in my research this morning, I had seen that there was a year-round KOA in Cheyenne, so that’s where we headed. We pulled in around 3:30 this afternoon.
Since we were parked so early, I suggested we take Mark’s new hotspot to an AT&T store in town and see if they could help him get it hooked up to his computer.

We got to the AT&T store and Mark showed the sole employee there his new hotspot that we’d bought in Green Bay as we were leaving home. The man found all kinds of things that the salesman in Green Bay did wrong. Not the least of them was that he put our hotspot on a phone plan. That doesn’t work! It took nearly an hour for him to help Mark get it hooked up to his computer. By then, we were hungry, so we went to Appleby’s for dinner. Then we went to Walmart to get a few things, including a new broom!
When we checked in at KOA this afternoon, we told the woman at the desk that we’d had to turn around because of the wind. (Actually, when we turned back east, the wind was pushing us from behind which was a good boost for saving gas.) The woman said that according to the weather report, the weather is supposed to be nice tomorrow. We may be about half a day off schedule, but we finally have a working hotspot!