On our last weekend we focused on trying to get rid of fleas in the RV. In all fairness to our cats it must be said that we brought the fleas in on our clothes.
Prior to the weekend we put flea collars on our cats.
Wednesday morning we gave both cats a flea bath, released two flea bombs in the RV, and took the cats with us everywhere we went. When the bug bombs were done we went back to open up the RV and then take the cats on a drive to Lake Tenkiller and the dam. Dobby got car sick, so we gave up on that. Mark put a powder down on our lawn that’s supposed to kill fleas.
Thursday morning I found six very lively fleas on my foot at once. We gave the cats a pill that we got at the local vets that’s supposed to kill fleas on them. We built a pen outside for the cats so we didn’t have to take them in the car again and we set off three bug bombs. That still didn’t do it.
Mark and I have taken to spraying ourselves with repellent when we leave the RV and again when we come in. Mark’s legs look like a mine field! It’s getting to the point where we are afraid to put our bare feet on the floor when we get out of bed in the morning. We’re going to bomb the RV again today and spray the carpet with a flea and larvae killer. It’s really bad here!