Guest Blog: “Me” aka Mark Fuller

Hey, everbody!!  It’s Me!!!

Denise is feeling a bit overwhelmed and asked if I could do her blog for her tonight.  She wanted to write it last night, but the excitement of our boat ride caused her to run out of steam, even before she had time to finish editing all the pictures she took from our excursion.

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An extreme weekend

I was so extremely busy over the 4th of July weekend that there was no time to write.  For one thing, Mark had an eye appointment in Greenbay on Thursday so that took the better part of the day (it’s a four hour drive round trip).  We had a lot of campers over the holiday weekend so things were busy on the job.  Also, every chance I had to get on my laptop I was working on the report for Mark’s second mock inspection.  But there were also some fun activities and I got pictures. Continue reading