The hunt

Several of you have asked whether I got the job I interviewed for at the Ephraim Historical Museum.  I didn’t get it, but the interviewer sent me an email asking if I’d like to have my name put in for a Visitor Information job in Ephraim.  I politely declined.  I would have gone the distance for the museum job, but not for another Visitor Information job.  I already have one of those. Continue reading

Job interview and etc.

I showed the pictures of Mark blow-torching the cellar doors yesterday so that he could get in and turn on the water.  I failed to mention that when he tried to turn on the water pump, there was a crack and water sprayed everywhere, so we don’t have water to the house yet.  This also means we don’t have heat in the house because our registers run water through to heat the house.  Mark called a plumber this morning and they said they’d try to make it to our house by this afternoon, but it didn’t happen.  Hopefully, they can come and fix the leak tomorrow morning. Continue reading


Mark and I could feel our excitement rising throughout the day today as we got closer and closer to home.  Even when I had a migraine, I was glad to be back in familiar territory, and Mark was positively giddy!  Tucson was every bit as happy as we’d been hoping all along she’d be.  I guess the cats were happy too, but they were too suave to show it. Continue reading

From Lincoln, NE

Weather reports lie!  The reason Mark and I drove to Denver last night was because the weather forecast said temperatures would remain above freezing, but when we got up this morning, it was snowing.  It wasn’t sticking to the ground, but it was piling up on cars and such.  Mark said it had been snowing each of the two times he got up with Tucson during the night.  When we left Denver at 10:15 this morning, it was 35° out.   Continue reading

From Denver, CO

The weather was the big news today.  We left Albuquerque at 10:15 this morning and the temperature was 56°.  We had planned to head for Falcon, Colorado today and skirt around Denver, but when we checked the forecast for both locations, Denver was at least going to be above freezing tonight.  At one point today, we almost despaired of getting here. Continue reading